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TIME COOK" once, the display will show "00:00".
POWER LEVEL " once, the display will show "PL10". The default power is 100% power. Now you
can press number keys to adjust the power level.
START/+30SEC." to start cooking.
(1) Press "
(2) Press number keys to input the cooking time; the maximum cooking time is 99 minutes and 99 seconds.
(3) Press "
(4) Press "
3 During microwave cooking, "POWER LEVEL" can be pressed to change the power you need. After
the power. The oven will work with the selected power for the rest of the cooking time.
Example: to cook the food with 50% microwave power for 15 minutes.
a. Press "TIME COOK" once. "00:00" displays.
b. Press "1","5","0","0" in order.
c. Press "POWER
d. Press "START/+30SEC." to start cooking.
2. If "PL0" is selected, the oven will work with fan only and no power.
pressing "
LEVEL" once, then press "5" to select 50% microwave power.
", the current power will light for 3 seconds, now you can press number
button to change
selected within 1 minute, the oven will go back to the previous setting automatically.
1. In the process of clock setting, if the " LEAR" button is pressed or if there is no operation
NOTE : By default, the oven will microwave at power 10 (maximum power)
"Alexa, microwave for X. "
"Alexa, add X to microwave."
"Alexa, microwave for X on power Y."
To microwave by time, say “Alexa, microwave for X,” where X is the amount of time you’d like to cook for
For example, to cook for 5 minutes, say “Alexa, microwave for 5 minutes.” Or, to cook for 2 minutes and
39 seconds, say “Alexa, microwave for 2 minutes and 39 seconds.”
While microwaving, you can ask to cook for additional time by saying “Alexa, add X in the microwave,”
where X is the amount of time you’d like to add. For example, to add 2 minutes to the cooking time while
the microwave is already running, say “Alexa, add 2 minutes to the microwave.”
By default, your oven will microwave at power 10 (maximum power). To cook at a specific power, say
“Alexa, microwave for X on power Y,” where X is the amount of time you’d like to cook for and Y is the
power level.
For example, to cook at power 5 for 3 minutes, say “Alexa, microwave for 3 minutes at power 5.”
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