GoveeLife H7172 Smart Countertop Ice Makers, Self-Cleaning, Portable Ice Maker Works

User Manual

For H7172.

PDF File Manual, 16 pages, Read Online | Download pdf file

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Other documents for GoveeLife H7172

The following documents are available:
User Manual Specification Photos


GoveeLife H7172 Questions and Answers

#1 What color is the Govee Life ice maker?

Stainless Silver. If you receive a blue ice maker, it is because the product is covered with a layer of blue protective film, which can be peeled off along the edges to reveal a smooth silver surface.

#2 What kind of water is suitable for ice making? Can you use juice?

Pure water, fruit juice, cola and other pulp free beverages are suitable. Just be sure to clean it after use.

#3 Does it automatically stop making ice when the ice basket is full?

It will stop automatically and alert you via the control panel, a sound prompt, and on the Govee Home App. Note: Before use, please wipe both sides of the laser sensor to prevent an early ice full reminder from being triggered by dirt or water vapor.

#4 How do I clean the ice maker?

Add the right amount of water and citric acid descaling agent. Start the cleaning process via the app or control panel. Wait for 10 minutes and discharge the sewage. Rinse the machine with pure water and dry the machine. Store it in a clean space.

#5 How much power is consumed when operating? Can it be turned off when not in use?

The ice maker consumes less than 0.1 kWh per hour, and it can be turned off when not in use. Leftover ice cubes need to be stored in the freezer.

See other models: H7123 H7150 H7151 H7102 H7132