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About TurboCooEM(on some models)
How it Works
TurboCoolrapidly cools the reii_igerator
c()mi)artn_ent in order to more quickly
cool fi)ods. Use TurboCoolwhen adding a
large amount of food to the reflJgerator
compartment, putting away fi)ods after they
have been sitting out at room temperature
or when putting away warn/leftovers. It can
also be used if the refl_igerator has been
without power fin" an extended period.
Once acti\:_md, the compressor will turn oil
immediately and the rims will cycle on and
off at high speed as needed fiw eight hom_.
The compressor will continue to rtm tmfil
the reflJgerator compartment cools to
approximately 34°F (l °C), then it will cycle
on and off to maintain this setting. _Mter 8
hom_, or if TurboCool is pressed again, the
refl_igerator compartment will return to
the original setting,
How to Use
Press TurboCooLThe refrigerator
temperature display will show 9 (the coldest
_Mter TurboCoolis complete, the
refl_igerator compartment will return
to the original setting,
NOTES:The refl_igerator temperatm'e
cmmot be changed dtwing
The fl'eezer temperatm'e is not
affected during TurboCooL
_]_en opening the refrigerator
door during TurboCool,the liras
will continue to run if they have
cycled on.
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