GE PK956CM2CC electric wall oven


For PK956CM2CC. Also, The document are for others GE - General Electric models: PK916*, PK956*, PT916*, PT956*

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Usingthe timed baking and roasting features.(onsomemo e/s; geoom
On double oven models, you can use timed baking in one oven while using self-clean in the other; you can also use
timed baking in both ovens at the same time.
NOTE: Foods that spoil easily--such as milk, eggs, fish, stuffings, poultry and pork--should not be allowed to sit for
more than I hour before or after cooking. Room temperature promotes the growth of harmful bacteria. Be sure that
the oven light is off because heat from the bulb will speed harmful bacteria growth.
How to Set an Immediate Start and Automatic Stop
selectedlengthof time At theendof dTecooking
time,theovenwill turnoffautornatical/y
,Xlak_,Slll-(f lhc <lock shows lh( COFF( C[
rime oi day.
[] Press th_ Bake pad.
[] lJsitag lhe numl)er pads, _nler the
desil-ed [ellll)el_][lll-{.
[] Pre_,s th( Cooking Time pad.
NOTE"If yalr reciperequirespreheating,you
mayneedtoaddadditionaltllneto tbe/engd}of
[] Using 1he mnnl)er i)ads, enler Ihe
desired baking lime. Tim oven
[Ollll)el-_l[tll-¢ _]l](t IN( cookillg lil_l('
that you enlc red will I)e disl:)laye(I.
NOTE:If youwantyourfoodto bekeptwarm
forup to3 hours"afterdTecookll}gfunctionis
[] Press the Start pad.
The displa? will show the changing
temt)emtnre (starting at 100°F) and the
cooking time. The display starts changing
once the temperatm-e reaches l(_)_E
ovensat thesane time,thetimesshowingin the
displaywill beforthe lastovensol Todisplayd?e
timesetfor d?efirstovenset,pressthe Cooking
The oven will continue to cook for lhe
programmed amount at time, th{n shut
of_' atl[Ol_la[i(-a[1v tlnl(?s£ lhe Wal-l_l(,l-
Press lhe Clear/Offl)ad 1o clear
the display.
How to Set a Delayed Start and Automatic Stop
oven,cookforaspecific"lengthof tllneandthen
NOTE:Anattentiontonewill soundif youare
Make Sill-13lhe dock shows lh{ COlT(C[
tim_ of day
] Press th_ Bakepad.
[] [ S,illg Ill(t mlml)(r pads, elll(!l- the
desir( d [(fllll)( l-_l[lll-e.
[] Press thc CookingTime pad.
NOTE"If yalr reciperequirespreheatingyou
/nayneedtoaddadditionalthneto dlelengthof
[] [sing Iht! lnunl)(r pads, elll(!l- [he
desir( d baking time.
[] Press tile BelayStart pal1.
[] [sing th_ munber pads, cnt_r the
[Jill( Of linty yOtlW_lll[ Ihe ovell [o
[IlFII 011 and sl_/l[ (ooking.
NOTE:If youwantyourfoodto bekeptwarm
forupto 3 hoursafter tbecookiogfunctionis
finishedpresstbe Warmpadonce
[] Press th( Startpad.
If:you would like to check the times
you have set, pwss th( Delay Start pad to
check the start time you haw set or l)rcss
the CookingTimepad to ch{ck tim length
at cooking time you have set.
1_'11( 11 lh_ OVell [tll'llS Oil }1[ Ill( tiln¢
of day you have set, the displny will
sh(m the (hanging t{ ml)(mturt
(slatting al 100<F) and the cooking
time. The display starts changing o11((
the t( ml)erature rt achcs 100°F.
ovens at dlesametime,file t#nesshowiogin the
displaywill beforthelast ovense_ Todisplaythe
timesetfor thefirstovenset,presstbeDelay
Startor theCookingrime padforthat oven
The ow:n will t ontinue to cook for th_
l)YO_l'_tllllll(d _/IllO!/ll[ of tillle, [11( II shill
Of]"_/!/toln_[i(_/nv tmlcss the _,_/l-lllel
[_!_ltllle _V_IS sel,
Press Ih( Clear/Off [}all to cl(ar
the display.
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