GE PK956CM2CC electric wall oven


For PK956CM2CC. Also, The document are for others GE - General Electric models: PK916*, PK956*, PT916*, PT956*

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Usingthe convectionoven.
HowtoSot Ovenfo,ConveotionRoas,nowhen ino theP obe
_>*J T at d s _ av _ ] _s _ PROBE a a( I a( eve r_q When fiat internal toni xmtm-e of
.. ., .... OLOJ
(Ollll'OI _,Vll] Slgllal II th(, ])rob(, is IllS( Fred [h( let _lt F( H( h(!s [h{t lllllnb( l _ veil
.... into tilt ,.:ullt t, _tlld veil h;l\( llOt set a h_tx'( set, Ill( Is,robe _.lld. the ov(211
For best resuds when roasting large probt I(!llllJ(!l'allll'( alld [)l't_ss(_d the Itll-ll o_] all(I the o'_ell (OIIIF01
turkeys and roasts, we recommend Start pad. signals. 'lb stop the sigmd, press
using the probe included in the lhe Clear/Off pad. [ se hot pads Io
retllc)_+( Ih( ])rol)e frOlll Ihe food.
Do not ust tongs to pull on it_
they might damage it.
] Pla(e file m(k in th{ lowest position
(A). Ins(rt the prolx into the In(at.
] Phlg tilt probe into the otltlt:l ill tilt
oven. Make sure it is pushed all tile
Way ill. Clos( the (*veil dOOl:
] Pr( ss tht Coevectioe Roast pad.
[] Ple'_s lh( nunll)er pads to sol th(
desired t}V(?ll t( llll)( l_ltlll-e.
[] Pres, s lilt Probe pad.
[] Ple'__,the llt/llll)(?F pads to sel tile
deSiF(d il]telllal llleal tel]]|)el%lttlre.
[] Pr(ss tilt Start pad.
unplugtheprobefrom#Teoven outletuntilthe
ovenhascoded Donotstorefl_eprobein
i!i_,If d}eprobeisremovedfromthefoodbefore
thefinal temperatureisroadbed,a tonewill
soundand fl}edisplaywill flashuntil theprobe
is romovedfromtbeoven
Youwill hear a fan wbile cook#_gwid_ this
feature Thefan will stop when the dooris
opened,but the heat will not turo of{
_iVllell the OVell Stalls to heat, lhe word
LO will l)e ill lilt display.
2*k_'[(l" lilt int(rnal temp(l_ltur( ofth( III(Ht
reaches IO0°F, the changing internal
lemperamre will be shown ill the disl:)lav
_i_,Youcan use the t#nereven thougbyou cannot
use timed oven operations
;'_On doubleoven mode& you will not be able to
use d_eprobe in d_eupperoven during timM
oven operations 7[hisis because,with dze
probe, you are cookingby temperature rather
than time
Tochange the oven temperature
during the Convection Roast cycle,
press _e ConvectienRoastpad
and _en press _e number pads to
sot _o now desired temperature
Convection Roasting Guide
Meats Minntes/Lb. Oven Temp. Internal Temp.
Beef Rib.BonelessRibr Rare 20 24 325°F 140°Ft
TopSirloin Medium 24-28 325°F 160°F
{3to 5 Ibs.} Well 2832 325°F 170°F
ReefTendedoin Rare 10-14 325°F 140°Ft
Medium 1_18 325°F 1BO°F
Pork Bone-in,Boneless(3 to 5 Ibs)
Chops(1/2to 1" tNck} 2 chops
4 chops
6 chops
Ham CannedrButt,Shank(3 to 5 Ibs.fully cooked)
Lamb BonednrBoneless{3 to 5 Ibs.) Medium
Seafood Fish.whole {3 to 5 Ibs.}
LobsterTails (8to 8 oz. each)
Poultry Whole Chicken(2V,to 3V2Ibs.}
CornishHensUnstuffed(1 to 1V_Ibs.)
Stuffed(1 to 17, Ibs.)
Duckling(4 to 5 Ibs.)
Unstuffed (10to 16Ibs.)
Unstuffed (18to 24 Ibs.)
TurkeyBreast(4 to 6 Ibs.}
23 27 325°F 170°F
30-35 total 325°F 170°F
35q0 total 325°F 170°F
40-45 total 325°F 170°F
1_18 325°F 140°F
17 20 325°F 160°F
20-24 325°F 170°F
30_0 total 400°F
20 25 total 350°F
2_26 350°F 180° 185°F
50-55 total 350°F 180°-185°F
55 60 total 350°F 180° 185°F
24 26 325°F 180° 185°F
8-11 325°F 180°-185°F
7 10 325°F 180° 185°F
16 19 325°F 170°F
t tm, St.<.h!k,g_ a*zdIn(.a_tu ilk l.d to/m'v<_t
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