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Makes 12
200g dried seedless dates, coarsely chopped
1 teaspoon bicarbonate soda
1 ¼ cups boiling water
60g butter, softened
1 cup firmly packed brown sugar
1 cup self raising flour
2 eggs, lightly beaten
Butterscotch sauce
1 ¼ cup firmly packed brown sugar
1 cup pouring cream
125g butter
1. Preheat oven to 180°C. Grease a
L cup
capacity muffin tray with oil spray.
2. Place dates, bicarbonate soda and
boiling water into a heatproof jug; cover
and stand for 5 minutes then carefully
pour into blender jug. Place lid on jug.
3. Add butter and sugar and PULSE 2-3
times. Add remaining ingredients and
PULSE mixture until just combined.
Do not over process. Scrape down sides
of jug if necessary.
4. Divide mixture evenly between holes of
the muffin tray and bake for about 20
minutes or until cooked when tested
with a wooden skewer. Remove from
oven and stand for 5 minutes before
turning out onto a wire rack. Serve warm.
5. Serve puddings with butterscotch sauce.
To make sauce, combine all ingredients
in a saucepan and cook, stirring, over a
low heat until combined.
Serves 8-10
250g packet plain sweet biscuits
125g unsalted butter, melted
300ml carton sour cream
1 cup caster sugar
½ teaspoon vanilla extract
1 tablespoon finely grated lemon rind
4 eggs
750g cream cheese, at room temperature, cut
into cubes
1. Preheat oven to 160°C no fan. Line the
base of a 23cm springform pan with
non-stick baking paper. Place biscuits
into blender jug. Place lid on jug.
2. Select ICE CRUSH or PULSE setting
and blend until biscuits are finely
crushed. Place into a bowl, add melted
butter and mix well. Press biscuits
mixture into the base and sides of a
greased and lined. Use a straight-sided
glass to spread and press the biscuit
mixture firmly over the base and side of
pan, leaving 1cm at the top of the pan.
Refrigerate 10 minutes.
3. Meanwhile place sour cream, sugar,
vanilla and lemon rind, eggs into the
blender jug and blend with lid on, on
speed 5/PUREE until just combined.
Turn blender off and add half of the
cream cheese; replace lid and blend on
speed 5/PUREE for 30 seconds. Turn
blender off and add remaining cream
cheese, replace lid; blend on
speed 5/PUREE for 30 second or until
mixture is smooth. Do not overmix.
4. Pour the cream cheese mixture into the
base. Place the pan on a baking tray and
bake for 1 ¼ -1 ½ hours or until just set
in the centre. Turn oven off. Leave the
cheesecake in oven, with the door ajar,
for 2 hours or until cooled completely
(this will prevent cheesecake from
cracking). Refrigerate until well chilled.
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