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1 - Safety
Ensure that the power cable is not trapped by the freezer.
BeforHƪrst use
Make sure there is no trDQVSRUWGDPDJH
RHPRYHDOOSDFkaging and keep out of children´s reach.
Wait at least 2 hours before installing the appliance in order to ens-
ure the refrigerant circuit is full\HƩFLHQW
Handle the appliance always with at least two persons because it is
The appliance should be placed in a wHOOYHQWLODted place. Ensure a
spacHRIDWOHDVWFPDERYHDQGDround the appliance.
WARNING: Keep YHQWLODWLRQ openings in the appliance or in the in-
built structure clear of obstruction.
1HYHU place the appliance in a GDPS area or location where it PL
ght be splashed with water. Clean and dry water splashes and stains
with a soft clean cloth.
Do not install the appliance in direct sunlight or in the near of heat sou-
rces (e.g. stRYHsKHDters).
Install and OHYHO the appliance in an area suitable for its size and use.
Make sure that the electrical infRUPDWLRQ on the rating plate agr-
ees with the power supply. If it does noW contact an electrician.
The appliance is operated by a 220-240 VAC/50 Hz power supply.
$EQRUPDO YROWDJH fuctuation Pay cause the appliance to fDLOWRVWDUW
or GDPDJH to the tHPSHrature control or cRPSressor RUWKHUHPD\EH
an DEQRUPDO noise when operating. In such FDVH DQDXWRPDWLFUHJXODW
Do noWXVHPXOWLSOXJDGDSters and extension cables.
WARNING: Do not locate PXOWLSOH portable socket outlets or por-
table power supplies at the rear of the appliance.
WARNING:When positioning the appliancH ensure the supply cord
Do not step on the power cable.
Use a separate earthed socket for the power supply which is easy acc-
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