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Installation and operation manual - Atlas woodburning cookstove
4.5 Maintaining Wood Fires
4.5.1 General Advice
Wood burns best in cycles. A cycle starts when a new load of wood is ignited by hot coals and
ends when that load has been consumed down to a bed of charcoal about the same size as it
was when the wood was loaded. Trying to produce a steady fire by placing a single log at regular
intervals is not recommended. Always place at least three, and preferably more pieces on the
fire at a time so that the heat radiated from one piece helps to ignite the pieces next to it.
Prolonged and continuous use at a very low rate of combustion or with very wet
wood can cause highly flammable creosote to build up in the flue.
Burning in cycles means the stove door does not need to be opened while the wood is flaming.
This is an advantage since it is preventing smoke leaking from the stove when the door is opened
as a full fire is burning. This is especially true if the chimney is on the outside wall of the house.
If the door must be open while the fire is flaming, fully open the air control for a few
minutes then open the door slowly.
4.5.2 Ash Removal
Ash should be removed from the firebox every two to three days. Ash should not accumulate
excessively in the firebox since it will affect the proper operation of the cookstove.
The best time to remove ash is when the stove is relatively cold, but there is still a little chimney
draft to draw the ash dust into the stove and prevent going out into the room.
Ashes should be placed in a tightly covered metal container. The container must be placed on a
non-combustible floor or on the ground well away from all combustible materials.
Ashes can contain hot embers that can stay hot for several days. If the ashes are disposed of
by burial in soil or otherwise locally dispersed, they should be kept in the closed metal container
until they are completly cooled. No other waste should be placed in this container.
4.5.3 Raking Charcoal
When it is time to reload the stove, start by removing the ashes first, then rake charcoal towards
the front of the firebox before reloading. Most of the remaining charcoal will be at the back of
the firebox, furthest from the door. Rake the coals towards the door before loading.
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