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Blue spin,
magenta flash
Your device is outside of activation range, the
area around the lock in which it can detect
your device and respond to touch. When
locking or unlocking the door, bring your
device closer to Kevo by turning toward the
lock so that there is a direct line of sight
between the lock and your device. If this
happens frequently, recalibrate your device.
Blue spin, red
The lock has detected an unauthorized device
within activation range and will not unlock. An
unauthorized fob is one that has not been
enrolled in your system, and an unauthorized
phone is one with the Kevo app installed that
does not have an eKey to your lock.
Red Flashing
System reset or unsuccessful calibration
Solid green or
spinning green
Calibration in progress
Lock rebooting
Green Flashing
Successful Calibration
Top two LEDs
are solid red
The AA batteries in the Kevo interior are low
and need to be replaced.
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