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For optimal storage conditions, it is
always best to store similar foods
together in one crisper.
Foods that are best stored under dry
fresh fish and shellfish, meats,
poultry, sausage, dairy products and
deli salads.
Foods that are best stored under
moist conditions
fresh produce, e.g., vegetables,
lettuce, herbs, mushrooms,
cabbage, fruit.
Remember that higher moisture levels
can only be attained when the food is
stored unpacked so air can circulate
Foods that are best stored under dry
fresh fish and shellfish, meat, poultry,
sausage, dairy products and deli
Please note that foods rich in protein
deteriorate faster than others. Shellfish,
for example, deteriorates faster than
fish, and fish deteriorates faster than
Always keep these foods covered or
Exception: Meat (The surface of the
meat dries out slightly, slowing the
growth of bacteria so the meat lasts
longer. Do not let one type of meat
come into direct contact with another
type; always keep them in separate
packages. This prevents premature
deterioration of the meat through
bacterial cross-contamination).
Take food out of the SmartFresh
drawer approx. 30-60 minutes
before using it. The flavor and taste
do not fully develop until the food
has reached room temperature.
Important: If the divider is not in
place, the function of the
SmartFresh drawers is impaired!
SmartFresh drawers
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