Bosch HBS573BS0B Questions & Answers

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2 Questions

  • User Non avatarKathleen h10 months ago

    why do my cakes always crack

  • User Non avatar #103330 Asia10 months ago

    • Cake position in the oven – when you bake your cake on the top or lower level of the oven it can impact the result and cause your cake to crack.
    • Raising agent – when your flour contains too much leavening agent this can impact the end result and cause your cake to rise too fast while baking.
    • Cake pan size – the size of the cake pan you use can also cause a cake to crack a small cake pan with too much batter will push the cake up and cause it to crack.
    • Incorrect cake recipe – the cause of a crack in a cake can be an imbalance or error in the ingredients.
    • Overmixed cake batter – when you mix the cake batter longer than needed it can have an effect on the result. When you overmix, you add a lot of air to the batter resulting in the cake rising tall while baking. Then the cake deflates when it cools and a crack in the cake.

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  • User Non avatarKathleen h2 years ago

    how do I remove the shelf supports?

  • User Non avatar #103108 Asia10 months ago

    You can read the "Shelf supports" section at:

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