Dyna Glo BF30DTDG-4 Questions & Answers

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4 Questions

  • I just purchased a dyna glo BF30DTDG-4 and when I took it out of the box I noticed it doesn't have a glass front ,is this normal on this model? Just want to make sure before installing it.

  • I just purchased a dyna glo BF30DTDG-4 and when I took it out of the box I noticed it doesn't have a glass front ,is this normal on this model? Just want to make sure before installing it.

  • User Non avatar #51375 United States1 year ago

    Hello. The starter button is not clicking. Do you suggest to unscrew the button and replace batterie? Other than that I have had no problems. Looking forward to the answer. Thanks

  • Can I put a thermostat button on this model if so what number of part do I need?