Delonghi EN80BAE Questions & Answers

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3 Questions

  • How do I open the machine when it is jammed closed

  • User Non avatar #107859 United States4 months ago

    To open a jammed machine, start by checking the water and power supply before inspecting the capsule lever. Did you lift the lever all the way up? Sometimes it get stuck toward the end of the stroke so you have to help it to get totally in the open position. If this doesn't solve it, please contact the Nespresso Club or Nespresso authorized representative for help.


  • User Non avatar #107861 United States4 months ago

    If the capsule area is leaking (water in capsule container), position capsule correctly. If leakages occur, please contact the Nespresso Club or Nespresso authorized representative for examination, repair or adjustment.

  • How do I set small/large cup measures,

  • User Non avatar #107862 United States4 months ago

    40 ml Espresso Cup, 110ml Lungo Cup, you can use the espresso to make intenso by pressing it again when you want it to stop; making a shorter cup, it will also retain this setting for next time unless you reset it.