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Aspect Ratio Explained
Aspect Ratio ExplainedAspect Ratio Explained
Aspect Ratio Explained
The HDTV is a widescreen TV, but most TV programs are still broadcasting in a square format,
therefore the HDTV is offering multiple ways of viewing videos. There are mainly two types of signal
format, Full (16:9 format), Normal (4:3 format), while others offer a novelty ways to view the HDTV.
Simply use the ASPECT button on the HDTV’s remote control to cycle between the multiple modes.
This mode will stretch the picture to a widescreen ratio. If you have a perfect 16:9 ratio picture
you will not see any black bars. If you are watching a widescreen movie in 1.85:1 or 2.35:1
ratio, you will still get black bars on the top and bottom of the screen. If you use this mode on
4:3 pictures they will be stretched and distorted horizontally.
Most analog TV channels have 4:3 signal formats. If the original 4:3 aspect ratio (1.33:1
source) is preserved, black bars are added to the left and right of the display image. This
aspect keeps that aspect ratio and shows you the black bars on the side.
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