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Rice noodles
These are fresh white noodles and do not
require a lot of cooking.
Kaffir lime leaves
These are dark green, shiny, double leaves
which have a very pungent perfume. They are
rather thick and added whole to a curry or
sliced very finely for use as a garnish.
Lemon grass
An aromatic fresh herb that is used in curry
pastes, stir fries and soups. Trim the base,
remove the tough, outer layers and finely slice,
chop or pound the white interior. Whole stems
can be added to soups or curries.
Delicious, small round fruit with a light texture
and flavour. Peel away the rough skin, remove
the seed and use. They are also available
peeled and canned.
Rice wine vinegar
Milder than most western vinegars, it usually
has an acidity of less than 4%. It has a mild,
sweet, delicate flavour and is made from rice.
Sambal oelek
This is a paste made from ground chillies and
salt. It can be used as an ingredient or an
Tamarind is a large, brown bean-like pod with
a fruity, tart flavour and is available as a dried
shelled fruit, a block of compressed pulp or as
a puree or concentrate.
Szechuan pepper corns
These are available from most Asian
supermarkets and have a slight aniseed taste.
Tofu, or bean curd, is a high-protein, low-fat
food made from soya beans. It is available in
very firm or soft blocks and is either fresh or
vacuum packed. Tofu takes on the flavour of
the spices and sauces with which it is cooked
This is best known in its powdered form and is
often used to colour food. It has a slightly bitter
flavour and it is also available fresh as a root,
rather like ginger, which is peeled and then
grated and finely chopped.
Water chestnuts
Small, white, crisp bulbs with a brown skin.
Water chestnuts can be purchased peeled
and canned, and will keep for about 1 month,
covered in the refrigerator.
Special Ingredients continued
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