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en-us Options
6 Options
You can find an overview of the
options that can be selected here.
Different options, which can be
found on the control panel of your
appliance, are available depend-
ing on the appliance configuration.
Option Use
Patented technology
thoroughly dries
dishes and plastics
such as baby bottles
and food storage
containers. Natural
minerals transform
moisture into heat
up to 176F/80C to
get dishes, even
plastics, 60% drier.
Extends drying time.
Half Load
¡ Switch on with
small loads.
¡ It is recom-
mended adding
less detergent to
the detergent dis-
penser than for a
full machine load.
¡ The run time is
¡ Energy and water
consumption are
¡ To ensure a
higher hygiene
status for the ap-
pliance and dish-
ware, the temper-
ature is increased
and maintained
for an extra-long
¡ Especially suit-
able for cleaning
chopping boards
or baby bottles.
Option Use
¡ Continuous use of
this option im-
proves the hy-
giene status.
¡ This will increase
the run time and
energy consump-
7 Features
You can find an overview of the
possible features of your appli-
ance and how to use them here.
These features depend on your
appliance model.
7.1 Upper rack
Arrange cups and glasses in the
upper rack.
You can adjust the height of the
upper rack to make room for
larger items.
Adjusting upper rack with the
side levers
To wash large items in the racks,
adjust the shelf height of the up-
per rack.
1. Pull out the upper rack.
2. To prevent the rack from sud-
denly dropping down, hold the
side of the rack by the top
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