Ninja SS201 Foodi Power Blender


For SS201. Series: SS200
Additionally, the document applies to other Ninja models: SS200

PDF File Manual, 20 pages, Read Online | Download pdf file

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Ninja SS201 Questions and Answers

#1 Can this blend hot ingredients? (i.e. puree cooked squash to make soup?)

Not so sure about blending anything hot because this is class but if it wasn’t boiling he probably would be fine.

#2 So how do you fish out the blades before you pour so you don't lose a limb?? Aren't the blades inundated in the blended substance?

Can you simply hold the tip of the blade with your hand if you want to have the lid off but you can four very nicely with a lid on.

#3 Can both blades be stored in pitcher?

Yes you can make them fit if you place them side by side and invert them

#4 How do you make doughs not sticky? I added extra flour but still not helping

The key to any good bread dough is weighing in grams on a digital scale versus using measuring cups. Perfect recipe every time.

#5 Im looking for one that I can add hot cauiflower to,make mashed cauliflower rice,will this do it?

Yes, easily. I’ve also done roasted squash to do a lovely soup.

#6 Does it have a blade attachment to make fries?

No unfortunately it does not have that attachment. It comes with a crushing and chopping blade and a dough blade.

#7 Can you open the bottom so it’s possible to clean the blades ans pitcher separately ?

The pitcher and blade lift up out of the base so you can clean both separately. It comes with interchangeable blades.

#8 Does this shred? Have a shredding attachment for cheese?

Wouldn’t think so but not totally sure as was a gift I sent to my granddaughter.....

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