Philips PSA410/05

User manual - Page 12

For PSA410/05.

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If a fault occurs, first check the points listed. For further help and other troubleshooting tips,
please also check out FAQ for your player at w
If you are unable to find a solution from these hints, consult your dealer or service center.
Under no circumstances should you try to repair the set yourself, as this will invalidate the
TThhee CCDD ppllaayyeerr hhaass nnoo ppoowweerr,, oorr ppllaayybbaacckk ddooeess nnoott ssttaarrtt..
> Check that your batteries are not dead or empty, that they are inserted correctly,
that the contact pins are clean.
> Your adapter connection may be loose. Connect it securely.
TThhee iinnddiiccaattiioonn
Please insert CD
iiss ddiissppllaayyeedd
> Check that the CD is clean and correctly inserted (label-side upward).
> If your lens has steamed up, wait a few minutes for this to clear.
TThhee iinnddiiccaattiioonn
Unfinalized CD / No audiofile
iiss ddiissppllaayyeedd
> CD-RW (CD-R) was not recorded properly. Use
on your CD-recorder.
TThhee iinnddiiccaattiioonn
iiss oonn aanndd//oorr tthheerree iiss nnoo rreeaaccttiioonn ttoo ccoonnttrroollss
> If
is activated, then deactivate it.
> Electrostatic discharge. Disconnect power or remove batteries for a few seconds.
TThhee CCDD sskkiippss ttrraacckkss
> The CD is damaged or dirty. Replace or clean the CD.
NNoo ssoouunndd oorr bbaadd ssoouunndd qquuaalliittyy..
> pause might be active. Press 22;;.
> Loose, wrong or dirty connections. Check and clean connections.
> Volume might not be appropriately adjusted. Adjust the volume.
> Strong magnetic fields. Check player’s position and connections. Also keep away
from active mobile phones.
PSA410-ENG.QXD 11/6/04 9:52 Page 11
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