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Energy Star Ratings
Energy Star ratings are an industry wide independent rating
that gives an indication of how eciently a heater operates...
the more stars the greater the eciency. Typically Portable
gas heaters have around 5.9 Stars with the majority of ued
heaters around 4.0 to 4.5 Stars. Some older type heaters are
not as ecient, however they still perform extremely well
with large heat outputs.
The Environment
In Australian homes, heating & cooling amounts to around
23% of household energy use second only to hot water.
Gas is one of the most greenhouse friendly fuel sources
available and selection of a Rinnai gas heater can assist
with our global need to reduce carbon emissions. In
addition, the better insulated your home, the less work the
heater needs to do, the less gas you will use and the less
impact on the environment.
Very Cold Zone: 1 kW output will heat approx 8.5m
Cold Zone: 1 kW output will heat approx 10m
Cool Zone: 1 kW output will heat approx 13m
Mild Zone: 1 kW output will heat approx 16m
i.e. a 7.3 kW output heater in a Cool Zone will heat approx 95m
Running Costs
Rinnai gas heaters are designed to be highly ecient, and when used correctly, are a very economical form of home heating. The
running cost of gas heaters compare very well to other forms of heating. Straight electric heating is by far the most expensive, with
both gas heaters and electric reverse cycle heaters comparatively less expensive.
When comparing diering forms of heating in relation to running costs, it is important that the comparison is based on the same
kW output of heat. Once we are comparing apples with apples’, the calculation of the running cost is then based on the energy used
(kW input) to achieve that output. The actual taris that are charged are listed on energy bills.
Heating Sizing
It is very important that careful consideration is given to selecting the correct model/size of any heater. Critical factors such as the
area to be heated, along with specic design and insulation characteristics of a home must all be considered. On the opposite
page there is a heater selector relating to correct sizing or you can use our on-line version at
In general heater sizing should be based on the kW output of the heater. As a very rough guide to heating performance (based on
our heating zones):
Important tips
Comparison of Energy use
around the home
Fridge Other
& Cooling
Source: Department of Environmental & Climate Change NSW
Important Tips for heater selection
The MJ input of heaters should
not be used for comparison.
The kW output is the only true
apples for apples’ method.
As an example, a 25MJ input,
5.9 Star heater has a larger
heat output than a 25MJ 3.1
Star heater.
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