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Conversion Table
The table below provides cooking guidelines for foods which are commonly deep fried. All
the foods have been fried using the oil at the MAX level.
The information given in this table is intended as a guide only. Timings and temperature
may vary according to food thickness, size and your own preference.
Food Type Weight / Quantity Temp Approx. Frying
Time (minutes)
Fresh frying chips 500g 190ºC 12 - 15 Move the basket from side to side
once or twice during frying to ensure
even cooking.
Frozen frying chips 500g 190ºC 10 - 12 Move the basket from side to side
once or twice during frying to ensure
even cooking.
Frozen scampi in
300g 180ºC 4 - 6 The scampi will go a deep golden
colour when cooked. Ensure food is
piping hot throughout.
Frozen plaice coated in
2 portions approx. 125g
180ºC 5 - 7 Fry without the basket and use a sh
slice to remove the sh from the oil
once cooked.
Frozen cod/haddock
coated in batter
2 portions approx. 125g
180ºC 8 - 12 Fry without the basket and use a sh
slice to remove the sh from the oil
once cooked.
Fresh cod/haddock
coated in batter
2 portions approx. 125g
190ºC 4 - 8 Fry without the basket and use a sh
slice to remove the sh from the oil
once cooked.
Fresh prawns in batter 2 portions approx. 90g
190ºC 3 - 5 Ensure food is piping hot throughout.
Frozen cod sh ngers 10 ngers (300g pack) 180ºC 5 - 7 Move the basket from side to side
once or twice during frying to ensure
even cooking.
Frozen chicken
2 portions approx. 100g
170ºC 8 - 10 Move the basket from side to side
once or twice during frying to ensure
even cooking. Ensure food is piping
hot throughout.
Frozen onion rings 2 portions approx. 100g
190ºC 5 - 9 Move the basket from side to side
once or twice during frying to ensure
even cooking.
Vegetable fritters in
2 portions approx. 100g
150ºC 2 - 5 Move the basket from side to side
once or twice during frying to ensure
even cooking.
Banana/fruit fritters 2 portions approx. 100g
150ºC 2 - 5 Move the basket from side to side
once or twice during frying to ensure
even cooking.
When frying shop bought food items, follow the manufacturer’s instructions.
When frying meats, ensure that they are piping hot throughout before serving..
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