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@PBce oneenaof the new DriveBeltoverMotorPulleyandthe
other md overthe Brushinthe spacebetweenmebristles.
@Pull the Brush firmly lo s_re[cnthe Drive Belt and place ends
_f Brush down nto s_otson sines as shown. Turn Brush
se/erat _LmesD! nana _ocen_er_neDrive Belt.
_tRepositian Brush Cover screws.Tigmer
screws secureB_.
_ Unplug cleanerfrom electrical outlet
@ Remove Detachable Canister and "ecune Handleof vacuum.
@ Using a screwdrive_ remove me onescrew as snown anc
lift off the lens.
Removethe bulbfrom thesocket by graspingDU_Danapu_Hng
straightout, Jnstatlthe newbulb by pushing it gently into the
socket untilme DU_DsnapsImopface.
Reposition lens ane secure with the one screw
Sel_t NledelsOnly
TheTurboBrushshouldbe checkedregularlyfor clogs
or debris wrappingaroundthe brushrol
unDhu_vacuum from e_ecmcaOUTle_
f adog is }resentor aeons _wsIDle 1screw_nebJvoscrews
o the backofthe lurbc 3rushto removethetacephte and
:leara ObStructions.
om me afire r)elt _rlaclean eDns
Reposmonme anve bel_c the brush roll. Placeends of
brushroll inslots sides as sho,4 RenosNonbell cove
anasecure with shorterscrew.F/_Doen facepBte and
securewire _vwionc_rscrews.
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