Jenn-Air JCD2389GES Side-by-side Refrigerator

User Manual - Page 20

For JCD2389GES.

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gFood Storage Tips
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Fresh Food Storage
Tlw fresh Ibod cmnpartuwnt of a rel'rigcrator shouk]
Ix" kept lwhveen :_I°F and 4(1°I`"with an optimum tem-
perature of 37°F. To cheek the tempcralnre, place an
appliance lh(,rlnollleter ill a _hlss of water _[nd pla(.'e ill
the eelder of the refrigt'rator. Check al_er 24 hours. If
the temperature is alxwe 40°F adjust the controls _Ls
explained on page 5.
Avoid overcrowding thc rcfi'iger_',tor shelves. This
reduees the cireulati(m of air aromld the fo(xl and
results in mlevt,n eta)ling.
Fruit and Vegetables
Store in the crisper drawers to help preserve the fi'uit
aml \'cgetable qmdity fur hm_er time periods. (Refer to
page I0).
S(_rt fruits and vegetables before storage and use
hruised or sol_ items l_rst, l)iseard those showing signs
Always wrap odorous Ibods such as onions aTidcabl)age
st) the odor does not transfer to other fix)ds.
While veget_d)les need a certain amount of moisture to
relliail| fresh, ttx) IHIIC]I tlioistllre call shorten storage
times (cspt,eially lettuc_Q, l)rain vegetables well l)efi)re
Meat and Cheese
Kaw meat and poultL'y should I)e wrapped securclv, so
leakage and contamination of other fi×)ds or surl]tees
dues II()t (K'ellr.
Oee;L_itmally mold will develop on the surLice of hard
cheeses (Swiss, ('ht'ddar, Parmesan). Cut offat l(,_Lstan
inch al'ollnd and l)eh)w ill(' IIIO]dy area. Kccp your
knife or instrument out of the mold itself The remain-
ing cheese will be sail" and flavorfid to eat. Do NOT try
to save individual cheese slices, soft cheese, cottage
ehe(.se, ere_un, SOllr cl"ealll ()r yogmrt %vhen mold
Dairy Food
Most dairy fix)t.lssuch _Lsmilk, yog,airt, sour cream and
cottage cht'ese Juwe fl'eslnlleSs dates on their cartons ft)r
appropriate hmgth of stonlge. Store these fot)(ls in the
original carton and refrigerate immediately after pur-
ehlLsilig alld each ilse.
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Frozen Food Storage
The freezer c_)inpartm('nt of a ret¥igerator shou]d Ix-
kept at approximately ()°F or lower. To check the tem-
perature, place an appliance thermometer I)etween the
fi'ozen packages and check after 24 hours. If tile tem-
perature is alxwe 0°F, adjust the c(introl _Lsdescrilx_d on
pag,e 5.
A fza,(,zer operates more efficiently when it is at le_Lst
b.vo-thirds fitll.
Packaging Foods for Freezing
To minimize dehydratiun and quality deterionttiun use
aluminum foil, freezer wrap. freezer 1)ag.sor airtight
cxmtainers. Force its inueh air out of the packages as
possible and 1×"sure thcy are tightly sealed. Trapped air
can cause the food to dry. out, change eolor and devel-
op _uloffflavor (li'eezer burn).
•Over, vrap fresh meats aud poultry with suitable freezer
wrap prior to freezing.
Do not refreeze meat that has completely thawed.
Loading the Freezer
Avoid adding t()() much warm tix)d to file freezer at one
time. This overloads tile freezer, slows the rate of fi'eez-
ing and can raise the temperature of frozen fi)ods.
l,eave space between the packages so cold ;tir can cir-
culate Freely, allowing ftxxl to freeze as quickly as pos-
Avoid storing hard-to-freeze fo(xls such as ict" cream
an(1 ()range juice on the fi'eezer door shelves. These
f(x)([s are best stored in the freezer interior where the
tempe_tture varies less with door openings.
Refer to the Food Storage Chart on page 20 for
approximate storage times.
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