Craftsman 580.752100 Pressure Washer Cleaning System, 2780 PSI MAX, 2.5 GPM MAX

Operator's Manual - Page 11

For 580.752100.

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lB. Whenstartingengine,positionyourselfas
Startercord kickback (rapid retraction) can result
in bodily injury. Kickback will pulI handand arm
toward engine faster than you can iet go.
Broken bones, fractures, bruises, or sprains
could result.
o NEVERpullstartercordwithout first relievingspraygun
Whenstartingengine_pull cord slowlyuntil resistanceis felt
andthen pullrapidlyto avoidkickback.
o Aftereachstartingattempt_whereenginefails to run,always
pointspraygunin safedirectionandsqueezesprayguntrigger
to releasehighpressure.Engagesprayguntrigger lock.
Firmlygraspspraygun with bothhandswhenusinghigh
pressuresprayto avoidiniury whenspraygunkicks back.
1. Return recoii starter slowly. DO NOTlet rope "snap
back" against starter.
12. When engine starts, slowiy move choke iever to "Run"
position, as engine warms, if engine falters, move choke
lever to "Choke" position, then to "Run" position.
13. After each starting attempt, where engine fails to run,
always point gun in safe direction and squeezespray
gun trigger to release high pressure. Movechoke lever
to "Choke" position, and repeatsteps 10through 12.
14. If engine faiis to start after six pulis, move choke lever to
"Run" position, and repeat steps 1Othrough 12.
NOTE:Always keep the throttle iever in the "Fast" position
when operating the pressure washer.
The high pressurestream of water that thb
equipment produces can cut through skin and its
underlying tissues, ieadingto serious injury and
)ossible amputation.
Spray gun traps high water pressure, even when
engine is stopped and water is disconnected,
which can cause injury.
DONOTallowCHILDRENto operatepressurewasher.
Keephigh pressurehoseconnectedto pumpandspraygun
whilesystemis pressurized.
NEVERaim spray'gutsat people,animals,or plants.
DONOTsecurespraygun in openposition.
DONOTleavespraygununattendedwhilernachineis running.
NEVERusea spraygun whichdoesnot haveatriggerlock or
triggerguardin placeandin workingorder.
Alwaysbecertainspraygun,nozzlesand accessoriesare
Contact with muffler area can result in serious
Exhaustheat/gases can ignite combustibles,
structures or damage fuel tank causing a fire.
DONOTtouchhot partsand AVOIDhot exhaustgases.
Allowequipmentto cool beforetouching.
Keepat least5 feet(152cm) of clearanceonall sidesof
Codeof FederalRegulation(CFR)Title36 Parks_Forests,and
PublicPropertyrequireequiprnentpoweredby an internal
combustionengineto havea sparkarrester rnaintainedin
effectiveworkingorder,complyingto USDAForestservice
standard5100-1Cor laterrevision.Inthe Stateof Californiaa
sparkarresteris requiredundersection4442 of the California
Publicresourcescode.Otherstatesmay havesimilarlaws.
How te Step Your Cleaning System
1. Reieasespray gun trigger and let engine idle for two
2. Movethrottle to SLOWposition, then STOPposition.
Backfire,fire or engine damagecould occur.
o DONOTstopenginebymovingchokeleverto "Cheke"position.
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