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Maintenanceand Service
The base pan may ,overf!ow due to high humidi_
To drain the excess water, remove the drain cap
from the ib.ac_,of the unit.
The cha_is must _ cleaned every four months or more often as the atmospheric conditions
require. U_ water and detergent to dean the ba_n, center _rtition and coils. The use of harsh
cleaning materials may cause a deterioration of the coil fins or endplates. _ not u_ a high
pressure cleaner as it could cause severe damage to the PTAC fins and _i_s. A hose is okay to use
to clean the coils, but make sure to cover the control with a blanket: or plastic bag to keep it dry.
Corrosion Resistant units o_rating in harsh atmospheric conditions must bie removed from the
s_eeve and cleaned every 3 months in the _.me manner as above.
The compressor and fan motor are hermeti_[y _a[ed, _rma_ntliy lub,dcated, and require no
addi_onal oiiling_
The cabinet front and di_harge air grille can _ cleaned with a mild soap or detergent Under no
circumstances sho_._idhydroca_,o,n based cleaners (e.g. acetone, _nzene, naphtha, gasoline, etc.)
used to c_ean the front or air grilles.
Use ,care when cleaning the contro_ area. Do not u_ an excessively wet c_eaning cloth.
Corrosion resistant modeis subjected to harsh seacoast environments must be removed from the
wa_l sleeve and completely flushed with dean water at least four _mes a year.. The basepan, center
_rtition, condenser ,end #ates, and the condenser itself should _ sprayed with clea.n, fresh water.
Leaving the unit in the slleeve and simply spraying the outdoor grille is. not srufficient,
22 Room Air Conditioner
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