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calentamiento de zonas cercanas al congelador
Su refrigerador cuenta con un dispositivo que evita la conden-
sación. El calentamiento de algunas zonas externas de su
refrigerador es normal. Esto ocurre para evitar la condensación de
gotas de agua en el exterior de su refrigerador. No obstante, en
condiciones de alta temperatura y alta humedad en el ambiente,
pudiera llegar a formarse una ligera condensación. Seque con un
trapo suave.
primera conexión
Para regular la temperatura del compartimiento del enfriador, se
debe girar la perilla hacia la posición deseada. La perilla de control
de temperatura del refrigerador está ubicada en el interior de
dicho compartimiento, en algunos casos será necesario el uso de
una moneda para hacer girar la perilla.
control de temperatura del enfriador
Deje reposar el refrigerador de 4 a 6 horas antes de conectarlo
para que permita que repose el gas y el aceite del compresor.
Antes de conectar el refrigerador gire la perilla del control de
temperatura del enfriador o coloque el nivel de frío de su display
en la posición media (entre 4-6).
Conecte la clavija o enchufe a la corriente.
Deje que funcione vacío y cerrado, durante 4 horas antes de in-
troducir los alimentos.
Evite abrir la puerta para que se alcance la temperatura de-
Si desea colocar su refrigerador en otro lugar debe desco-
Cuando ya esté ubicado en el sitio elegido, repetir los pasos
If you need to place the refrigerator in a horizontal position in
order to transport it, place it only on its left side (when viewing
your refrigerator from the front).
Before changing your refrigerator’s location, screw the leveling
screws in as far as they will go.
The majority of power cuts are corrected in a few hours. The
interior temperature of your refrigerator will not be affected
for 4 hours. If the electrical failure persists for more than 6 hours
we suggest that you introduce ice bags in both compartments to
help to preserve foods.
If your model is equipped with the function Vacations and Turbo,
in the case of a power cut these will return to their state of
non activation (functions indicator will be switched off). Your
refrigerator will not be affected in any way on the resumption
of power.
problems with the electrical supply
Some sounds are normal when your refrigerator is operating.
Following is a table describing the different sounds that are
characteristic of its functioning:
Crunching is heard when ice breaks. This is the same noise that is
heard when ice trays are removed from the freezer and exposed
to room temperature.
normal operating sounds
On prolonged absences, disconnect the plug from the wall
Leave your refrigerator empty and clean. This includes the ice
Leave the door ajar, placing an object behind it to prevent it from
closing. This facilitates air circulation and stops bad odors from
For short periods of absence, your refrigerator can stay connected.
But be aware that there is always the possibility of power cuts
while you are away.
trips and absences
general information
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