Noise Levels of Many Common Appliances

Below are noise level statistics of some common household devices.

dB : The decibel (dB) is a logarithmic unit used to measure sound level. It is also widely used in electronics, signals and communication. The dB is a logarithmic way of describing a ratio. The ratio may be power, sound pressure, voltage or intensity or several other things. 

Device dB
1/4" Drill 92-95
Air Compressor 90-93
Air Popcorn Popper 78-85
Alarm Clock 60-80
Background Music 50
Bathroom Exhaust Fan 54-55
Circular Saw 100-104
Clothes Dryer 56-58
Clothes Washer 65-70
Coffee Grinder 84-95
Computer 37-45
Dishwasher 63-66
Electric Can Opener 81-83
Food Processor 93-100
Forced Hot Air Heating System 42-52
Garbage Disposal 76-83
Grand Canyon at Night (no roads, birds, wind) 10
Hairdryer 80-95
Handheld Electric Mixer 86-91
Handheld Electronic Games 68-76
Inside Car, Windows Closed, 30 MPH 68-73
Inside Car, Windows Open, 30 MPH 72-76
Kitchen Exhaust Fan, High 69-71
Lawn Mower 88-94
Leaf Blower 95-105
Maximum Output of Stereo 100-110
Microwave 55-59
Normal Conversation 55-65
Phone 66-75
Printer 58-65
Push Reel Mower 68-72
Quiet basement w/o mechanical equipment 20
Quiet Room 28-33
Radio Playing in Background 45-50
Refrigerator 40-43
Typical Living Room 40
Vacuum Cleaner 84-89
Weed Whacker 94-96
Window Fan on High 60-66

Data updated from

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